Yamatoen Hasedera Temple 長谷寺 Incense Stick Agarwood Nara Buddha Japan Wood Aroma


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New in box. This is 豊山香(禅) Toyoyama Kaori ( Zen ) Yamatoen Hasedera temple 長谷寺 in Nara Japan incense original agarwood sticks. Shipping from USA

Agarwood, a high-quality fragrant wood that has been prized since ancient times.

A calming scent that is richly blended.

Always good to use on a special day.

Hasedera Temple, located in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture, is the head temple of the Shingon sect of Buddhism, founded in 686. It has been a sacred place for Kannon worship since ancient times, and the principal image is Japan's largest Kannon statue. It is also known as the ``Flower Temple'' because a variety of beautiful flowers bloom throughout the year within the temple grounds.

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